
提供:MTG Wiki

移動: 案内, 検索
43行: 43行:
*[[イシュトヴァーンおじ/Uncle Istvan]]
*[[イシュトヴァーンおじ/Uncle Istvan]]
*[[イス卿の迷路/Maze of Ith]]
*[[稲妻の連鎖/Chain Lightning]]
48行: 50行:
*[[ヴォーデイリアの兵士/Vodalian Soldiers]]
*[[ヴォーデイリアの兵士/Vodalian Soldiers]]
*[[虚ろの森/Hollow Trees]]
*[[虚ろの森/Hollow Trees]]
*[[ウルザの鉱山/Urza's Mine]]
*[[ウルザの鉱山/Urza's Mine]]
56行: 59行:
*[[永遠の戦士/Eternal Warrior]]
*[[永遠の戦士/Eternal Warrior]]
*[[エルフの騎手/Elven Riders]]
*[[エルフの騎手/Elven Riders]]
*[[エンチャント移動/Enchantment Alteration]]
*[[エンチャント移動/Enchantment Alteration]]
80行: 83行:
*[[影の壁/Wall of Shadows]]
*[[影の壁/Wall of Shadows]]
*[[ガス化/Gaseous Form]]
*[[ガス化/Gaseous Form]]
*[[ガズバンのオーガ/Ghazban Ogre]]
*[[ガズバンのオーガ/Ghazbán Ogre]]
*[[活火山/Active Volcano]]
*[[活火山/Active Volcano]]
*[[神への捧げ物/Divine Offering]]
*[[神への捧げ物/Divine Offering]]
*[[機械仕掛けの鳥/Clockwork Avian]]
*[[機械仕掛けの鳥/Clockwork Avian]]
*[[北風/Winter Blast]]
*[[北風/Winter Blast]]
136行: 140行:
*[[シヴィトリ・スカーザム/Sivitri Scarzam]]
*[[シヴィトリ・スカーザム/Sivitri Scarzam]]
*[[ジェイラム秘本/Jalum Tome]]
*[[ジェイラム秘本/Jalum Tome]]
*[[ジェディット・オジャネン/Jedit Ojanen]]
*[[始源の軟泥/Primordial Ooze]]
*[[始源の軟泥/Primordial Ooze]]
153行: 158行:
*[[従者スラル/Thrull Retainer]]
*[[従者スラル/Thrull Retainer]]
*[[ジュナン・イフリート/Junun Efreet]]
*[[ジュナン・イフリート/Junún Efreet]]
*[[主の存在/Presence of the Master]]
*[[主の存在/Presence of the Master]]
185行: 190行:
*[[隻眼のミイラ/Cyclopean Mummy]]
*[[隻眼のミイラ/Cyclopean Mummy]]
*[[セゴビアの大怪魚/Segovian Leviathan]]
*[[セゴビアの大怪魚/Segovian Leviathan]]
*[[セレンディブのイフリート/Serendib Efreet]]
*[[象亀/Giant Tortoise]]
*[[象亀/Giant Tortoise]]
212行: 218行:
*[[魂の絆/Spirit Link]]
*[[魂の絆/Spirit Link]]
*[[魂の枷/Spirit Shackle]]
*[[魂の枷/Spirit Shackle]]
*[[血染めの月/Blood Moon]]
*[[血染めの月/Blood Moon]]
*[[血の渇き/Blood Lust]]
*[[血の渇き/Blood Lust]]
219行: 225行:
*[[塵の壁/Wall of Dust]]
*[[塵の壁/Wall of Dust]]
*[[塵は塵に/Dust to Dust]]
*[[塵は塵に/Dust to Dust]]
*[[ツンドラ狼/Tundra Wolves]]
*[[ツンドラ狼/Tundra Wolves]]
*[[ティタニアの歌/Titania's Song]]
*[[ティタニアの歌/Titania's Song]]
229行: 236行:
*[[トー・ウォーキ/Tor Wauki]]
*[[トー・ウォーキ/Tor Wauki]]
*[[トーモッドの墓所/Tormod's Crypt]]
*[[トーモッドの墓所/Tormod's Crypt]]
*[[トーラックへの賛歌/Hymn to Tourach]]
*[[時の精霊/Time Elemental]]
*[[時の精霊/Time Elemental]]
279行: 287行:
*[[人喰い植物/Carnivorous Plant]]
*[[人喰い植物/Carnivorous Plant]]
*[[秘宝の障壁/Relic Barrier]]
*[[秘宝の障壁/Relic Barrier]]
*[[秘宝の防御円/Circle of Protection: Artifacts]]
*[[秘宝の防御円/Circle of Protection: Artifacts]]
*[[卑劣なる者/The Wretched]]
*[[卑劣なる者/The Wretched]]
*[[不安定性突然変異/Unstable Mutation]]
*[[不安定性突然変異/Unstable Mutation]]
311行: 319行:
*[[魔術師の女王/Sorceress Queen]]
*[[魔術師の女王/Sorceress Queen]]
*[[魔女狩り師/Witch Hunter]]
*[[魔女狩り師/Witch Hunter]]
*[[マナ吸収/Mana Drain]]
*[[魔法使いの弟子/Apprentice Wizard]]
*[[魔法使いの弟子/Apprentice Wizard]]
318行: 327行:
*[[魔力の乱れ/Force Spike]]
*[[魔力の乱れ/Force Spike]]
*[[魔力流出/Energy Flux]]
*[[魔力流出/Energy Flux]]
*[[満潮/High Tide]]
*[[ミシュラの工廠/Mishra's Factory]]
*[[ミシュラの工廠/Mishra's Factory]]
*[[ミシュラの戦争機械/Mishra's War Machine]]
*[[ミシュラの戦争機械/Mishra's War Machine]]
338行: 348行:
*[[要塞化/Fortified Area]]
*[[要塞化/Fortified Area]]
*[[夜の土/Night Soil]]
367行: 378行:
*[[Angus Mackenzie]]
*[[Angus Mackenzie]]
*[[Argivian Archaeologist]]
*[[Argivian Archaeologist]]
*[[Argivian Blacksmith]]
*[[Argivian Blacksmith]]
393行: 404行:
*[[Cathedral of Serra]]
*[[Cathedral of Serra]]
*[[Caverns of Despair]]
*[[Caverns of Despair]]
*[[Chain Lightning]]
*[[Chains of Mephistopheles]]
*[[Chains of Mephistopheles]]
*[[Citanul Druid]]
*[[Citanul Druid]]
502行: 512行:
*[[Hidden Path]]
*[[Hidden Path]]
*[[High Tide]]
*[[Holy Light]]
*[[Holy Light]]
509行: 518行:
*[[Hornet Cobra]]
*[[Hornet Cobra]]
*[[Hunding Gjornersen]]
*[[Hunding Gjornersen]]
*[[Hymn to Tourach]]
*[[Hyperion Blacksmith]]
*[[Hyperion Blacksmith]]
517行: 525行:
*[[Icatian Skirmishers]]
*[[Icatian Skirmishers]]
*[[Ichneumon Druid]]
*[[Ichneumon Druid]]
*[[Ifh-Biff Efreet]]
*[[Ifh-Bíff Efreet]]
*[[Implements of Sacrifice]]
*[[Implements of Sacrifice]]
529行: 537行:
*[[Jacques le Vert]]
*[[Jacques le Vert]]
*[[Jandor's Ring]]
*[[Jandor's Ring]]
*[[Jedit Ojanen]]
*[[Jerrard of the Closed Fist]]
*[[Jerrard of the Closed Fist]]
*[[Jovial Evil]]
*[[Jovial Evil]]
*[[Juzam Djinn]]
*[[Juzám Djinn]]
*[[Kasimir the Lone Wolf]]
*[[Kasimir the Lone Wolf]]
*[[Khabal Ghoul]]
*[[Khabál Ghoul]]
*[[King Suleiman]]
*[[King Suleiman]]
*[[Knights of Thorn]]
*[[Knights of Thorn]]
560行: 566行:
*[[Mana Drain]]
*[[Mana Matrix]]
*[[Mana Matrix]]
*[[Mana Vortex]]
*[[Mana Vortex]]
568行: 573行:
*[[Martyrs of Korlis]]
*[[Martyrs of Korlis]]
*[[Master of the Hunt]]
*[[Master of the Hunt]]
*[[Maze of Ith]]
*[[Merchant Ship]]
*[[Merchant Ship]]
584行: 588行:
*[[Nether Void]]
*[[Nether Void]]
*[[Niall Silvain]]
*[[Niall Silvain]]
*[[Night Soil]]
*[[North Star]]
*[[North Star]]
*[[Nova Pentacle]]
*[[Nova Pentacle]]
594行: 597行:
*[[Order of Leitbur]]
*[[Order of Leitbur]]
*[[Order of the Ebon Hand]]
*[[Order of the Ebon Hand]]
*[[Part Water]]
*[[Part Water]]
623行: 625行:
*[[Reflecting Mirror]]
*[[Reflecting Mirror]]
*[[Remove Enchantments]]
*[[Remove Enchantments]]
630行: 631行:
*[[Righteous Avengers]]
*[[Righteous Avengers]]
*[[Ring of Immortals]]
*[[Ring of Immortals]]
*[[Ring of Ma'ruf]]
*[[Ring of Ma'rûf]]
*[[Ring of Renewal]]
*[[Ring of Renewal]]
649行: 650行:
*[[Season of the Witch]]
*[[Season of the Witch]]
*[[Serendib Djinn]]
*[[Serendib Djinn]]
*[[Serendib Efreet]]
*[[Shelkin Brownie]]
*[[Shelkin Brownie]]

2025年3月3日 (月) 19:59時点における最新版



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