
提供:MTG Wiki

移動: 案内, 検索
7行: 7行:
*[[アーカム・ダグソン/Arcum Dagsson]]
*[[アーカム・ダグソン/Arcum Dagsson]]
*[[アーカムの風見/Arcum's Weathervane]]
*[[アーカムの風見/Arcum's Weathervane]]
*[[青の防御円/Circle of Protection: Blue]]
*[[青の防御円/Circle of Protection: Blue]]
*[[赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red]]
*[[赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red]]
*[[悪魔の幻視/Diabolic Vision]]
*[[アダーカー荒原/Adarkar Wastes]]
*[[アダーカー荒原/Adarkar Wastes]]
*[[アダーカーの戦乙女/Adarkar Valkyrie]]
*[[アダーカーの戦乙女/Adarkar Valkyrie]]
27行: 28行:
*[[石の雨/Stone Rain]]
*[[石の雨/Stone Rain]]
*[[石の精/Stone Spirit]]
*[[石の精/Stone Spirit]]
*[[意志の力/Force of Will]]
*[[居座りオーク/Orcish Squatters]]
*[[居座りオーク/Orcish Squatters]]
*[[稲妻の嵐/Lightning Storm]]
*[[稲妻の嵐/Lightning Storm]]
32行: 34行:
*[[命取りの昆虫/Deadly Insect]]
*[[命取りの昆虫/Deadly Insect]]
*[[忌むべき者の歌/Songs of the Damned]]
*[[ウィーティゴの姿/Shape of the Wiitigo]]
*[[ウィーティゴの姿/Shape of the Wiitigo]]
*[[ヴィセリッドの徒食者/Viscerid Drone]]
*[[ヴィセリッドの徒食者/Viscerid Drone]]
39行: 42行:
*[[うねる歩哨/Surging Sentinels]]
*[[うねる歩哨/Surging Sentinels]]
*[[うねる炎/Surging Flame]]
*[[うねる炎/Surging Flame]]
*[[うねる霊気/Surging AEther]]
*[[うねる霊気/Surging Aether]]
*[[海の精/Sea Spirit]]
*[[海の精/Sea Spirit]]
*[[ウルザのガラクタ/Urza's Bauble]]
*[[ウルザのガラクタ/Urza's Bauble]]
*[[永劫の輪廻/Enduring Renewal]]
*[[永劫の輪廻/Enduring Renewal]]
*[[エイスサーの滑空機/Aesthir Glider]]
*[[エイスサーの翼/Wings of Aesthir]]
*[[エイスサーの翼/Wings of Aesthir]]
*[[疫病の女王、ガルザ・ゾル/Garza Zol, Plague Queen]]
*[[疫病の女王、ガルザ・ゾル/Garza Zol, Plague Queen]]
122行: 126行:
*[[クロヴの腐敗/Krovikan Rot]]
*[[クロヴの腐敗/Krovikan Rot]]
*[[クロヴの魔術師/Krovikan Sorcerer]]
*[[クロヴの魔術師/Krovikan Sorcerer]]
*[[黒の防御円/Circle of Protection: Black]]
*[[黒の防御円/Circle of Protection: Black]]
*[[鯨骨の滑空機/Whalebone Glider]]
*[[鯨骨の滑空機/Whalebone Glider]]
*[[結界師ズアー/Zur the Enchanter]]
*[[結界師ズアー/Zur the Enchanter]]
176行: 180行:
*[[白き盾の騎士団/Order of the White Shield]]
*[[白き盾の騎士団/Order of the White Shield]]
*[[白き盾の十字軍/White Shield Crusader]]
*[[白き盾の十字軍/White Shield Crusader]]
*[[白の防御円/Circle of Protection: White]]
*[[白の防御円/Circle of Protection: White]]
*[[深淵の死霊/Abyssal Specter]]
*[[深淵の死霊/Abyssal Specter]]
*[[深火の精霊/Deepfire Elemental]]
*[[深火の精霊/Deepfire Elemental]]
*[[信仰の鎧/Armor of Faith]]
*[[信仰の鎧/Armor of Faith]]
*[[神秘的負荷/Mystic Remora]]
*[[ズアーの運命支配/Zur's Weirding]]
*[[ズアーの運命支配/Zur's Weirding]]
*[[ズアーの投呪士/Zuran Spellcaster]]
*[[ズアーの投呪士/Zuran Spellcaster]]
*[[ズアーの宝珠/Zuran Orb]]
*[[透け羽の霊命/Hyalopterous Lemure]]
*[[ストロームガルドの陰謀団/Stromgald Cabal]]
*[[ストロームガルドの陰謀団/Stromgald Cabal]]
264行: 271行:
*[[繁茂/Wild Growth]]
*[[繁茂/Wild Growth]]
*[[秘儀のコンパス/Mystic Compass]]
*[[秘儀のコンパス/Mystic Compass]]
*[[秘儀の否定/Arcane Denial]]
*[[秘教の融解/Mystic Melting]]
*[[秘教の融解/Mystic Melting]]
280行: 288行:
*[[ファイレクシアの鉄足/Phyrexian Ironfoot]]
*[[ファイレクシアの鉄足/Phyrexian Ironfoot]]
*[[ファイレクシアの雪潰し/Phyrexian Snowcrusher]]
*[[ファイレクシアの雪潰し/Phyrexian Snowcrusher]]
*[[フィンドホーンのエルフ/Fyndhorn Elves]]
*[[フィンドホーンの古老/Fyndhorn Elder]]
*[[フィンドホーンの古老/Fyndhorn Elder]]
*[[フィンドホーンのブラウニー/Fyndhorn Brownie]]
*[[フィンドホーンのブラウニー/Fyndhorn Brownie]]
312行: 321行:
*[[見えざる者の大魔道師/Magus of the Unseen]]
*[[見えざる者の大魔道師/Magus of the Unseen]]
*[[ミシュラのガラクタ/Mishra's Bauble]]
*[[ミシュラのガラクタ/Mishra's Bauble]]
*[[緑の防御円/Circle of Protection: Green]]
*[[緑の防御円/Circle of Protection: Green]]
*[[無限の砂時計/Infinite Hourglass]]
*[[無限の砂時計/Infinite Hourglass]]
*[[無残な収穫/Grim Harvest]]
*[[無残な収穫/Grim Harvest]]
363行: 372行:
*[[Adarkar Unicorn]]
*[[Adarkar Unicorn]]
*[[Aegis of the Meek]]
*[[Aegis of the Meek]]
*[[Aesthir Glider]]
*[[Agent of Stromgald]]
*[[Agent of Stromgald]]
369行: 377行:
*[[Amulet of Quoz]]
*[[Amulet of Quoz]]
*[[Arcane Denial]]
*[[Arctic Foxes]]
*[[Arctic Foxes]]
*[[Arcum's Sleigh]]
*[[Arcum's Sleigh]]
415行: 422行:
*[[Demonic Consultation]]
*[[Demonic Consultation]]
*[[Despotic Scepter]]
*[[Despotic Scepter]]
*[[Diabolic Vision]]
*[[Dire Wolves]]
*[[Dire Wolves]]
*[[Diseased Vermin]]
*[[Diseased Vermin]]
427行: 433行:
*[[Elemental Augury]]
*[[Elemental Augury]]
*[[Elvish Healer]]
*[[Elvish Healer]]
*[[Elvish Spirit Guide]]
*[[エルフの指導霊/Elvish Spirit Guide]]
*[[Energy Arc]]
*[[Energy Arc]]
*[[Energy Storm]]
*[[Energy Storm]]
444行: 450行:
*[[Folk of the Pines]]
*[[Folk of the Pines]]
*[[Forbidden Lore]]
*[[Forbidden Lore]]
*[[Force of Will]]
*[[Force Void]]
*[[Force Void]]
457行: 462行:
*[[Fyndhorn Bow]]
*[[Fyndhorn Bow]]
*[[Fyndhorn Druid]]
*[[Fyndhorn Druid]]
*[[Fyndhorn Elves]]
*[[Fyndhorn Pollen]]
*[[Fyndhorn Pollen]]
*[[Gargantuan Gorilla]]
*[[Gargantuan Gorilla]]
484行: 488行:
*[[Hoar Shade]]
*[[Hoar Shade]]
*[[Hot Springs]]
*[[Hot Springs]]
*[[Hyalopterous Lemure]]
*[[Hymn of Rebirth]]
*[[Hymn of Rebirth]]
*[[Ice Cauldron]]
*[[Ice Cauldron]]
553行: 556行:
*[[Mystic Might]]
*[[Mystic Might]]
*[[Mystic Remora]]
*[[Nacre Talisman]]
*[[Nacre Talisman]]
*[[Naked Singularity]]
*[[Naked Singularity]]
617行: 619行:
*[[Soldevi Steam Beast]]
*[[Soldevi Steam Beast]]
*[[Soldier of Fortune]]
*[[Soldier of Fortune]]
*[[Songs of the Damned]]
*[[Soul Kiss]]
*[[Soul Kiss]]
*[[Spectral Shield]]
*[[Spectral Shield]]
677行: 678行:
*[[Yavimaya Gnats]]
*[[Yavimaya Gnats]]
*[[Zuran Enchanter]]
*[[Zuran Enchanter]]
*[[Zuran Orb]]
705行: 705行:
*[[修道院のガーゴイル/Abbey Gargoyles]]
*[[修道院のガーゴイル/Abbey Gargoyles]]
*[[商人の巻物/Merchant Scroll]]
*[[商人の巻物/Merchant Scroll]]
*[[上天の嵐/AEther Storm]]
*[[上天の嵐/Aether Storm]]
*[[ジョーヴンの泥棒道具/Joven's Tools]]
*[[ジョーヴンの泥棒道具/Joven's Tools]]
*[[セラの獣小屋/Serra Bestiary]]
*[[セラの獣小屋/Serra Bestiary]]
784行: 785行:
*[[Reveka, Wizard Savant]]
*[[Reveka, Wizard Savant]]
*[[Root Spider]]
*[[Root Spider]]
*[[Rysorian Badger]]
*[[Rysorian Badger]]

2024年9月11日 (水) 10:49時点における最新版




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