
提供:MTG Wiki

移動: 案内, 検索
1行: 1行:
Unglued系([[アングルード]]、[[アンヒンジド]]) カードリスト
*[[Ashnod's Coupon]]
*[[Ashnod's Coupon]]
*[[B.F.M.(Big Furry Monster)]]
*[[B.F.M.(Big Furry Monster)]]
9行: 9行:
*[[Burning Cinder Fury of Crimson Chaos Fire]]
*[[Burning Cinder Fury of Crimson Chaos Fire]]
*[[Cardboard Carapace]]
*[[Cardboard Carapace]]
15行: 15行:
*[[Charm School]]
*[[Charm School]]
*[[Checks and Balances]]
*[[Checks and Balances]]
*[[Chicken a la King]]
*[[Chicken à la King]]
*[[Chicken Egg]]
*[[Chicken Egg]]
*[[Clam Session]]
*[[Clam Session]]
22行: 22行:
*[[Clay Pigeon]]
*[[Clay Pigeon]]
*[[Common Courtesy]]
*[[Common Courtesy]]
30行: 30行:
*[[Double Play]]
*[[Double Play]]
*[[Double Take]]
*[[Double Take]]
*[[Elvish Impersonators]]
*[[Elvish Impersonators]]
*[[Flock of Rabid Sheep]]
*[[Flock of Rabid Sheep]]
36行: 36行:
*[[Free-Range Chicken]]
*[[Free-Range Chicken]]
*[[Get a Life]]
*[[Get a Life]]
*[[Ghazban Ogress]]
*[[Ghazbán Ogress]]
*[[Giant Fan]]
*[[Giant Fan]]
47行: 47行:
*[[Growth Spurt]]
*[[Growth Spurt]]
*[[Hungry Hungry Heifer]]
*[[Hungry Hungry Heifer]]
58行: 58行:
*[[Jester's Sombrero]]
*[[Jester's Sombrero]]
*[[Jumbo Imp]]
*[[Jumbo Imp]]
*[[Knight of the Hokey Pokey]]
*[[Knight of the Hokey Pokey]]
*[[Krazy Kow]]
*[[Krazy Kow]]
68行: 68行:
*[[Mirror Mirror]]
*[[Mirror Mirror]]
*[[Miss Demeanor]]
*[[Miss Demeanor]]
*[[Once More with Feeling]]
*[[Once More with Feeling]]
*[[Organ Harvest]]
*[[Organ Harvest]]
79行: 79行:
*[[Rock Lobster]]
*[[Rock Lobster]]
*[[Scissors Lizard]]
*[[Scissors Lizard]]
*[[Sex Appeal]]
*[[Sex Appeal]]
90行: 90行:
*[[Squirrel Farm]]
*[[Squirrel Farm]]
*[[Strategy, Schmategy]]
*[[Strategy, Schmategy]]
*[[Team Spirit]]
*[[Team Spirit]]
*[[Temp of the Damned]]
*[[Temp of the Damned]]
*[[The Cheese Stands Alone]]
*[[The Cheese Stands Alone]]
*[[The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast Customer Service]]
*[[The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast® Customer Service]]
*[[Timmy, Power Gamer]]
*[[Timmy, Power Gamer]]
*[[Urza's Contact Lenses]]
*[[Urza's Contact Lenses]]
*[[Urza's Science Fair Project]]
*[[Urza's Science Fair Project]]
102行: 102行:
*[["Ach! Hans, Run!"]]
*[[Ach! Hans, Run!]]
*[[Aesthetic Consultation]]
*[[Aesthetic Consultation]]
116行: 116行:
*[[Avatar of Me]]
*[[Avatar of Me]]
*[[Bad Ass]]
*[[Bad Ass]]
125行: 126行:
*[[Brushstroke Paintermage]]
*[[Brushstroke Paintermage]]
*[[Bursting Beebles]]
*[[Bursting Beebles]]
*[[Carnivorous Death-Parrot]]
*[[Carnivorous Death-Parrot]]
*[[Cheap Ass]]
*[[Cheap Ass]]
*[[Circle of Protection: Art]]
*[[Circle of Protection: Art]]
*[[City of Ass]]
*[[City of Ass]]
*[[Collector Protector]]
*[[Collector Protector]]
*[[Creature Guy]]
*[[Creature Guy]]
*[[Curse of the Fire Penguin]]
*[[Curse of the Fire Penguin]]
*[[Deal Damage]]
*[[Deal Damage]]
*[[Double Header]]
*[[Double Header]]
141行: 142行:
*[[Dumb Ass]]
*[[Dumb Ass]]
*[[Elvish House Party]]
*[[Elvish House Party]]
147行: 148行:
*[[Erase (Not the Urza's Legacy One)]]
*[[Erase (Not the Urza's Legacy One)]]
*[[Eye to Eye]]
*[[Eye to Eye]]
*[[Face to Face]]
*[[Face to Face]]
*[[Farewell to Arms]]
*[[Farewell to Arms]]
159行: 160行:
*[[Frankie Peanuts]]
*[[Frankie Peanuts]]
*[[Frazzled Editor]]
*[[Frazzled Editor]]
*[[Gluetius Maximus]]
*[[Gluetius Maximus]]
168行: 169行:
*[[Graphic Violence]]
*[[Graphic Violence]]
*[[Greater Morphling]]
*[[Greater Morphling]]
*[[Head to Head]]
*[[Head to Head]]
*[[Infernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of Evil]]
*[[Infernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of Evil]]
174行: 175行:
*[[Keeper of the Sacred Word]]
*[[Keeper of the Sacred Word]]
*[[Kill! Destroy!]]
*[[Kill! Destroy!]]
*[[Ladies' Knight]]
*[[Ladies' Knight]]
*[[Land Aid '04]]
*[[Land Aid '04]]
180行: 181行:
*[[Letter Bomb]]
*[[Letter Bomb]]
*[[Little Girl]]
*[[Little Girl]]
*[[Look at Me, I'm R&D]]
*[[Look at Me, I'm R&D]]
*[[Loose Lips]]
*[[Loose Lips]]
*[[Magical Hacker]]
*[[Magical Hacker]]
*[[Man of Measure]]
*[[Man of Measure]]
196行: 197行:
*[[Mox Lotus]]
*[[Mox Lotus]]
*[[My First Tome]]
*[[My First Tome]]
*[[Name Dropping]]
*[[Name Dropping]]
*[[Now I Know My ABC's]]
*[[Now I Know My ABC's]]
*[[Number Crunch]]
*[[Number Crunch]]
*[[Old Fogey]]
*[[Old Fogey]]
*[[Orcish Paratroopers]]
*[[Orcish Paratroopers]]
*[[Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental]]
*[[Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental]]
*[[Persecute Artist]]
*[[Persecute Artist]]
*[[Phyrexian Librarian]]
*[[Phyrexian Librarian]]
212行: 213行:
*[[Pygmy Giant]]
*[[Pygmy Giant]]
*[[Question Elemental?]]
*[[Question Elemental?]]
*[[R&D's Secret Lair]]
*[[R&D's Secret Lair]]
*[[Red-Hot Hottie]]
*[[Red-Hot Hottie]]
220行: 221行:
*[[Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug]]
*[[Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug]]
*[[Rod of Spanking]]
*[[Rod of Spanking]]
*[[Save Life]]
*[[Save Life]]
*[[Shoe Tree]]
*[[Shoe Tree]]
236行: 237行:
*[[Symbol Status]]
*[[Symbol Status]]
*[[Tainted Monkey]]
*[[Tainted Monkey]]
*[[The Fallen Apart]]
*[[The Fallen Apart]]
244行: 245行:
*[[Touch and Go]]
*[[Touch and Go]]
*[[Toy Boat]]
*[[Toy Boat]]
*[[Uktabi Kong]]
*[[Uktabi Kong]]
*[[Urza's Hot Tub]]
*[[Urza's Hot Tub]]
*[[Vile Bile]]
*[[Vile Bile]]
*[[Water Gun Balloon Game]]
*[[Water Gun Balloon Game]]
*[[Wet Willie of the Damned]]
*[[Wet Willie of the Damned]]
256行: 257行:
*[[Working Stiff]]
*[[Working Stiff]]
*[[World-Bottling Kit]]
*[[World-Bottling Kit]]
*[[Yet Another AEther Vortex]]
*[[Yet Another Aether Vortex]]
*[[Zombie Fanboy]]
*[[Zombie Fanboy]]
*[[Zzzyxas's Abyss]]
*[[Zzzyxas's Abyss]]
263行: 264行:

2025年3月3日 (月) 21:39時点における最新版

Unglued系(アングルードアンヒンジド) カードリスト


[編集] アングルード

[編集] AB

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[編集] EF

[編集] G

[編集] HIJ

[編集] KLMN

[編集] OPQR

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[編集] T


[編集] アンヒンジド

[編集] 記号

[編集] A

[編集] B

[編集] C

[編集] D

[編集] E

[編集] F

[編集] G

[編集] HIJK

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[編集] PQ

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[編集] UV

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[編集] XYZ

[編集] 参考

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