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2008年10月9日 (木) 07:16時点における最新版
- "Bow to me. I am Magic, the power of Dominaria. Who are you? Who is Kamahl?"
- The question tore his breath away. Kamahl stood, sword at the ready.
- "I am the Guide: defender of Averru, menter of Kuberr, savior of Lowallyn. I am the bane of deathwurms, champion of Krosan, brother of Phage, slayer of Laquatus and Chainer, the Pardic gladiator--and I wield this sword." Kamahl kept the Mirari sword before him, ready to deflect her magic.
King, J.Robert, Scourge, Renton, Wizards of the Coast, 2003, p.288
- "You, Kamahl, are the final defender of Dominaria."
King, J.Robert, Scourge, Renton, Wizards of the Coast, 2003, p.299