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==引用:総合ルール 20240308.0==
'''日本語版総合ルールおよびmjmjが未対応のため、[https://magic.wizards.com/en/rules 英語版総合ルール]より引用'''
:To cloak a card, turn it face down. It becomes a 2/2 face-down creature card with ward {2}, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost. Put that card onto the battlefield face down. That permanent is a cloaked permanent for as long as it remains face down. The effect defining its characteristics works while the card is face down and ends when it’s turned face up.
:Any time you have priority, you may turn a cloaked permanent you control face up. This is a special action that doesn’t use the stack (see rule 116.2b). To do this, show all players that the card representing that permanent is a creature card and what that card’s mana cost is, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. The effect defining its characteristics while it was face down ends, and it regains its normal characteristics. (If the card representing that permanent isn’t a creature card or it doesn’t have a mana cost, it can’t be turned face up this way.)
:If a card with morph is cloaked, its controller may turn that card face up using either the procedure described in rule 702.37e to turn a face-down permanent with morph face up or the procedure described above to turn a cloaked permanent face up.
:If a card with disguise is cloaked, its controller may turn that card face up using either the procedure described in rule 702.168d to turn a face-down permanent with disguise face up or the procedure described above to turn a cloaked permanent face up.
:If an effect instructs a player to cloak multiple cards from a single library, those cards are cloaked one at a time.
:If an effect instructs a player to cloak a card and a rule or effect prohibits the face-down object from entering the battlefield, that card isn’t cloaked. Its characteristics remain unmodified and it remains in its previous zone. If it was face up, it remains face up.
:If a cloaked permanent that’s represented by an instant or sorcery card would turn face up, its controller reveals it and leaves it face down. Abilities that trigger whenever a permanent is turned face up won’t trigger.
:701.56h See rule 708, “[[裏向き|Face-Down Spells and Permanents,]]” for more information.

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