トーク:稲妻/Lightning Bolt
提供:MTG Wiki
本文中で触れられている内容について、サイトリニューアルで失われたCard of the Dayの情報をヴぁの私的記録から転載しておきます。
- Lightning Bolt Card of the Day - Friday, May 19, 2006
- Fourth Edition common.
- One of the rarest Magic cards is a set of "misprint" Lightning Bolt foils with no text. Intended for special promotional use, the foil Lightning Bolts were printed on Japanese Urza's Legacy and Urza's Destiny sheets as a test to make sure they were coming out correctly. Though they weren't intended to show up in boosters some slipped through, making them incredibly rare.
(転載ここまで) --ヴぁ 2009年4月19日 (日) 23:51 (JST)