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Orochi is big snake. Most popular orochi is Yamata-no-orochi(eight-headed orochi). Yamata-no-orochi have eight heads, like a hydra in Greek myth. Yamata-no-orochi is big as a mountain, it's eyes glow as a ground cherry.
Orochi is big snake. Most popular orochi is Yamata-no-orochi(eight-headed orochi). Yamata-no-orochi have eight heads, like a hydra in Greek myth. Yamata-no-orochi is big as a mountain, it's eyes glow as a ground cherry.
Yamata-no-orochi is killed by Susanowo, Japanese legend. At this time, he get a sword in the body of Yamata-no-orochi. This is the sword, one of three holy durables, Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi(Sword of the heaven of the clustering clouds). We think O-Kagachi is inspired from Yamata-no-orochi."Kagachi" is japanese old word. It means "ground cherry". so "O-kagachi" means "giant ground cherry".
Yamata-no-orochi is killed by Susanowo, Japanese legend. At this time, he get a sword in the body of Yamata-no-orochi. This is the sword, one of three holy durables, Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi(Sword of the heaven of the clustering clouds). We think O-Kagachi is inspired from Yamata-no-orochi."Kagachi" is japanese old word. It means "ground cherry". so "O-Kagachi" means "giant ground cherry".
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*[http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=mtgcom/feature/254 Truth in Fantasy]([[WotC]]公式、文:[[Alex Smith]])
*[http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/truth-fantasy-2005-03-07 Truth in Fantasy]([[WotC]]公式、文:[[Alex Smith]])

2022年4月24日 (日) 14:40時点における最新版







西洋の騎士道のような信念を持った支配階級。 本来は天皇や大名に使える兵士のような存在でしたが、侍身分より下の地侍なども武士の扱いを受けるようになると、上層の武士のことを指すようになりました。


戦国から幕末にかけての日本の歴史の影の主役と庶民の間では信じられている。 手裏剣や鎖鎌、苦無(くない)やまきびし、水蜘蛛など、特殊な武器や道具を操って隠密行動をする。 忍者で有名な人物は家康に仕えた伊賀忍者の生き残りである服部半蔵や、北条家に仕え、後に江戸で盗賊をし、最後は処刑された風魔小太郎、歌舞伎で庶民的な人気を誇る泥棒、石川五右衛門などが存在する。



Most popular moonfolk is Princess Kaguya. Princess Kaguya, heroine of Taketori-Monogatari is born from bamboo.


鬼は悪魔の一種です。しかし、悪魔であると同時に神であるとも考えられています。鬼は普通、角を持った醜悪な顔を持つ巨人の姿で描かれます。体の色は青や赤が多く、少なくとも人間に近い色はしていません。普通、ある人を「鬼のようだ」と表現すると、相手はいい感情を持ちません。たいていの昔話では鬼は悪役で、たとえば桃太郎伝説では鬼は退治されるべき悪です。しばしば最強の鬼として酒呑童子があげられます。この鬼は身の丈6m、5本の角を持ち眼は15個あったと言われています。酒呑童子は源頼光とその四天王によって倒されました。 日本には節分という伝統行事があり、鬼に扮した人間に向かって「鬼は外、福は内」と言いながら豆をぶつけます。

Oni is a kind of demons. We know that most powerful oni is Syuten-Douji(means "drinking servant").

(以下は "Ask Wizards" January 17, 2005 より抜粋)

Q: "What is the special connect between Oni and Ogres that makes them so beneficial to play together?" --Brian

A: From Brady Dommermuth, Magic Creative Director:

"Brian, those familiar with Japanese folklore will probably tell you that there's really no difference between ogres and demons in Japanese mythology.

"'Oni' refers to lots of different mythical monsters, from little gremlins with bony bumps on their heads to towering monstrosities. Sometimes 'o-bakemono' is used to mean 'ogre,' but that word really just means 'big monster.'

"During Kamigawa world-building, concept illustrator Hugh Jamieson sketched a mountain ogre that the creative team liked, but it wasn't necessarily demonic. And we knew we wanted to give oni special attention. So we hatched the idea of creating blood-magic-wielding ogres who worshipped oni and sometimes even bound the oni to their service. If you were to 'back-translate' this idea into Japanese folklore terms, you'd end up with minor oni (ogres) worshipping and serving major oni, albeit they have distinct creature types in Magic."





Orochi is big snake. Most popular orochi is Yamata-no-orochi(eight-headed orochi). Yamata-no-orochi have eight heads, like a hydra in Greek myth. Yamata-no-orochi is big as a mountain, it's eyes glow as a ground cherry.

Yamata-no-orochi is killed by Susanowo, Japanese legend. At this time, he get a sword in the body of Yamata-no-orochi. This is the sword, one of three holy durables, Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi(Sword of the heaven of the clustering clouds). We think O-Kagachi is inspired from Yamata-no-orochi."Kagachi" is japanese old word. It means "ground cherry". so "O-Kagachi" means "giant ground cherry".



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